2015년 11월 14일 토요일

The Daegu World Tower 83 Pizza Pasta Garden Rimini Aid

The Daegu World Tower 83 Pizza Pasta Garden Rimini Aid
# The World
Rimini Garden #

Daegu is located in Rimini Garden World Tower 1 83 floors.
Good atmosphere cleaner recommended by Dating Place.

You can enjoy autumn to come on a weekday.
The world seemed to be just a garden.
The views overlooking the opposite side of the cod.

The plates and dishes will set your order.


Pasta and came out first aid.
Acidulous seafood pasta is really delicious.

Fresh lemonade help the food makes good taste.

Rimini ate the most delicious pizza in the garden.
The pizza oven and chewy cheese enough.

Each one is immaculate and the food is delicious.
Enjoy your food in a good atmosphere in Rimini Garden. ^^

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